We first assembled in Benedictine College (Atchison, KS) in 2011. We are a group of “hard identity” Roman Catholics who are the "JP2 generation". We have been highly influenced by the Flor Peeters style of harmonizing Gregorian Chant, as found in the Nova organi harmonia ad graduale juxta editionem vaticanam and also the Organum comitans ad Graduale sacrosanctae romanae ecclesiae SS.D.N. Pii X: pontificis maximi jussu restitutum et editum par Alph. Desmet, Aloys Desmet et Osc. Depuydt as published on the non-profit Corpus Christi Watershed website in 2008. Our team is not limited to the United States, but stretches across the Pacific ocean.
History of the Chaumonot Composers Group
Updated: Sep 1, 2020